Thank you for wanting to know more about high performance sales coaching

This is a guide I created to show you how I handle high performance sales coaching.  As you will see, I have been highly influenced by my past as a martial artist.

My coaching has evolved over the years, but one thing has always remained: if you decide to do something, then you need to excel, then you need to become a top performer.

And while my coaching style used to be much more directive, today it is much more done through advisory, to let people come up with their own ideas and initiatives.

In sales, you meet all type of people. People that are happy 'to have a job' and people that want to be exactly that high performer. For me, I absolutely adore working with the latter kind. I truly love stretching and challenging my teams and clients, and while this might feel new for most of them, soon they pretty much demand to keep on being challenged. After all, top performers are curious and like to be challenged! 🙂

I have written that e-book here so you would understand where I come from, what shaped me and what exactly is my methodology.

If you would have more questions after reading this, please reach out to me via, and let's set up a virtual coffee or tea. Enjoy the read!

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Best Regards

Cedric Royer

What will you find in "From Lead To Deal"?

The Budo of High Performance Sales Coaching

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